2023: Comprehensive Guide to Schedule, Standings, Scorers & Assists

Samoa National League Tables

You can search the league table data of the last ten years, including historical statistics of different seasons (full, half, home, and away).
Clubs - Teams


As for the league match data in the past ten years, you can choose the match data of different clubs each season and switch to query the historical schedule data.
The current list shows the latest league fixtures.
Home vs Away
Match Live
Spread / Goal
2021/06/05 11:15
HT24' - Corner Kick - Kiwi FC50' - Corner Kick - Kiwi FC51' - Corner Kick - Kiwi FC55' - Corner Kick - Lion of Judah57' - Corner Kick - Kiwi FC58' - Goal - Kiwi FC66' - Corner Kick - Kiwi FC81' - Corner Kick - Lion of Judah85' - Corner Kick - Kiwi FC
-0.5 / 4
2021/06/05 09:00
HT7' - Goal - Sogi SC14' - Corner Kick - Vaivase Tai FC19' - Corner Kick - Sogi SC22' - Corner Kick - Sogi SC38' - Goal - Sogi SC48' - Corner Kick - Sogi SC49' - Corner Kick - Vaivase Tai FC64' - Corner Kick - Vaivase Tai FC79' - Corner Kick - Vaivase Tai FC88' - Goal - Vaivase Tai FC90' - Red Card - Sogi SC90' - Red Card - Sogi SC
0.5 / 3.75
2021/06/03 14:30
HT3' - Goal - USP FC17' - Goal - USP FC58' - Goal - USP FC62' - Goal - USP FC
-1.25 / 4
2021/06/03 12:30
HT3' - Corner Kick - Lupe Ole Soaga5' - Corner Kick - Vaiusu20' - Corner Kick - Vaiusu21' - Corner Kick - Lupe Ole Soaga22' - Goal - Lupe Ole Soaga52' - Corner Kick - Lupe Ole Soaga72' - Goal - Vaiusu80' - Corner Kick - Lupe Ole Soaga
-5.5 / 6.5
2021/06/01 12:45
HT8' - Goal - Faatoia10' - Goal - Vaitele-Uta SC18' - Corner Kick - Faatoia26' - Corner Kick - Faatoia28' - Goal - Vaitele-Uta SC31' - Corner Kick - Faatoia34' - Goal - Vaitele-Uta SC40' - Goal - Vaitele-Uta SC48' - Corner Kick - Faatoia84' - Goal - Faatoia90' - Corner Kick - Vaitele-Uta SC
0.25 / 3.75
2021/05/29 08:50
HT4' - Corner Kick - Vaipuna5' - Corner Kick - Vaipuna6' - Corner Kick - Vaipuna10' - Corner Kick - Vaiusu13' - Corner Kick - Vaiusu15' - Corner Kick - Vaiusu22' - Goal - Vaipuna30' - Goal - Vaipuna43' - Goal - Vaipuna46' - Goal - Vaipuna49' - Goal - Vaipuna53' - Corner Kick - Vaiusu54' - Corner Kick - Vaiusu79' - Corner Kick - Vaipuna80' - Corner Kick - Vaipuna84' - Corner Kick - Vaipuna85' - Goal - Vaipuna86' - Goal - Vaipuna87' - Goal - Vaipuna89' - Red Card - Vaiusu
2.5 / 4

Top Scorers

Latest season player data (team, goals scored, home and away goals), access to historical data - Top scorer statistics for other seasons in 10 years.
Clubs - Teams

League Data

Standings:All-time full, half-time, home and away data for different seasons.

Match data:Historical match data for different seasons, including scores, odds, corners, handicaps, over/under, red and yellow cards, and other live match details.

Football Player Data:Player records, including goals scored, clean sheets and passes.

About Samoa National League